Never ask these 4 questions in a job interview

Man speaking in a job interview

Asking questions in a job interview is not a one way street, and an employer would welcome any questions a potential candidate may have. Asking the right questions can show dedication and an interest in the role and the company. But asking the wrong questions could prove a disaster!

Here are the 4 questions you should never ask in a job interview…

What do you do?

“You can’t show up at a job interview not knowing what the company does. That’s what the internet is for!” : Liz Ryan for Forbes

If you haven’t researched the company before you applied or at least prior to the interview stage, you are making a big mistake. You are clearly not passionate about the role and the company, and this will show instantly if you ask this question.

Researching the company would be advisable even before you write your CV, as you should always tailor your application to the role and take consideration of how the company functions.

Your knowledge of the company should be second to none, which will reflect positively on you during the interview if you are able to offer your insight into the company’s goals. If you don’t even know what they do, why are you applying in the first place?

“These questions seem to show that you didn’t read the job description, or, if you read it, you don’t remember anything about it.” :

When can I get a promotion?

“As eager as you may be to move quickly up the ladder, the employer may not be too pleased to hear that you plan to exit the role as soon as you can.” : Martin Carline for CV Template Master

Unless stated otherwise, the employer is hiring for a permanent position. Although they are well aware that some employees are ambition and would like to seek promotion at some time in the future, they are hiring for today – not tomorrow.

Being ambitious is great, and you shouldn’t hesitate to project this during an interview. However, there is a difference between being dynamic, positive, and ambitious during the interview and point blank asking when the next promotion is available.

They want to hire someone for the role they have today, in the hope that the successful candidate will commit to a lengthy spell in that role. Asking about a promotion during the interview will portray arrogance and a lack of interest in the current available role.

Do I get paid for sick days?

This type of question may be important to you, but it wouldn’t be to the employer. They would want to feel safe in the knowledge that they are hiring someone who is committed to the role and will not be taking many sick days off.

Nobody can predict when the flu might strike or when a broken leg will leave them bed ridden, so it isn’t worth discussing something which may or may not happen and has little to do with the role and the company.

Some employers pay for sick days, and some don’t – so what! Does it really matter to you that much that you want to raise it in an important job interview? There are far better questions to ask that don’t worry the employer into thinking whether or not you are going to show up each day.

The most popular time of year for employees to take sick days is in the month of January according to Personnel Today. 53% more sick days are taken in January when compared with any other month of the year, according to HR software provider CharlieHR.

Did I do well?

You should never put the interviewer on the spot and ask them how well you may have done. It’s not the right time to ask and could put unnecessary pressure on the employer do give you a response now before they have had time to think.

If the interview didn’t go so well and you push them to reveal that now, you could be left feeling embarrassed in front of the employer. This would also create a very awkward situation, and isn’t fair to put someone in that position.

On the flip side, if the interview went well and you receive some great feedback but don’t get the job, you could be left scratching your head and feeling disappointed. What if you were to make plans after the interview assuming you’d gotten it?

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